Saturday, May 16, 2009

Garage sale aka fail sale

I had one hour sleep last night maybe less. Then I woke up and went to help my sisters with a garage sale, when it had just stormed. And it was still raining off and on all day. We made SOME money but not enough so looks like we will be doing that again later this week. Stupid rain keeps ruining everything it needs to just stop for the next several months. That was most of my day right there but we also went shopping. My picture of the day is my niece Ashley, my sister Amy, and my nephew Zachary. They got their hair cut today. I think they look great. And yes, we are in the middle of Wal-Mart. Right before we went to Starbucks. I'm totally exhausted right now and I have to raid too. After that though I should probably go to bed.

Apparently, I'm totally and completely negative. Guess I should work on that or something.

Oh, the picture in wow is my new pet. Its a lil bear cub. Isn't he so cute?? I need to name him.

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