Sunday, May 3, 2009

Headaches, Sears and McDonalds

Today I woke up with a uber bad headache. Eventually got over it though and went to Sears family night with John, Amy and the boys. We were suppose to go to Toad Suck Dayz but that didn't work out due to it raining all day. Oh well, maybe next year. I did have fun at Sears though. Amy and I got a new bathing suit. And we went to McDonalds after. It was a fun night. Any time I get to spend with the kids is fun. And Amy and John too of course.

Did some stuff in World of Warcraft too, no raids tonight pretty boring. Did some stuff for Patty. He is busy with finals this week so I thought I'd help him out. Well that's about it, going to bed early tonight so I can wake up early and hopefully go take my drivers license test.

1 comment:

  1. Adam says, 'So, does that mean you can play Rock Band since your headache is gone?'
