Monday, May 4, 2009

Seal of approval

It took alot for me to do what I did today. But I did it. I took my drivers license test and I passed it. The instructor was a complete douchebag and failed people left and right. (The girl right after me didn't even get on the road before she failed because she wore flip flops to the test.) But I passed. And I couldn't be happier about that. For once I actually believe in myself. And even if nobody else had it wouldn't have mattered (but really only a couple didn't). Because I knew I could do it. And I did. And even if I had failed today I still would be happy. Because I had the courage to go and try. And if I had failed at least I would have known what to practice on. But I passed! And he said my turns are really smooth. And i'm very aware of my surroundings. He said the only thing I should try to practice on is looking behind me while backing up. Thats hard for me to do at the same time though. It will take a while. But practice makes perfect.

All that stress did make me tired though. When I came home I took a nap. Now I'm going to play on world of warcraft for a while and then watch Slumdog Millionare. We rented it last week its way overdue, oops! Then I'm going to crash. I have to get up and try to look not too grunge ish for tomorrow when I get my license picture taken. Because today we didn't have my birth certificate with me, oops again!

1 comment:

  1. I always believed in you! I'm very proud. :) Adam says, 'Are you glad you can drive now?'
