Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy birthday Amy

Today was my sister Amy's birthday. Happy birthday, Amy! My sister Lori and I took her to Olive Garden for lunch to celebrate. Mmmm it was good. We were so full after. Then we went shopping. Lori had to get some clothes for the kids. After that we went home and they left then mom decided she wanted to go somewhere because she hadn't gotten to get out. So we went to the mall AGAIN and just kinda messed around. I ended buying some hairbows from hottopic and a superman t-shirt..that's actually a little boys t-shirt. Then when I came home and downloaded the patch for wow, I had THIS little guy in my mailbox! FINALLY! After like 2 months of waiting...Murkimus the Gladiator is mine! And he is sooo friggin cute. He makes cute noises too. I love him! Now i'm going to go read my Kurt Cobain Journal book for a little while before I start raiding at 10.

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