Thursday, May 28, 2009

Freya downed!

Today I went to Waffle House then to the At&t store to buy a car charger. Been running this phone battery down fast lol. Then I went to Hastings to return the movie "The Passangers" it was a good movie with Anne Hathaway. Some mexican guy kept starring at me and following me around Hastings kinda creeped me out so I left fast. He had to be like 40 something. Anyway, then I came home read my book some more and played in wow. I also downloaded some more ringtones. All I made myself lol. Now i'm getting ready to raid. I was suppose to go shopping with Amy tonight but she is sick! Hope she feels better so we can go shopping next week or something. The first pic is my book and the second is my Ammen Vale Lashling flower pet.

EDIT: We downed Freya! Guild first! It was so exciting! My flower pet was the perfect pic to post! Because she is a nature freak with a bunch of flower pets that come out to kill you! Ones that look just like my Ammen Vale Lashling..only bigger lol.

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I feel much better and I'm ready to go shopping!
