Saturday, May 30, 2009

Night at the Museum

Today I played world of warcraft with Patty most of the day. We leveled our pallies. I found out I lost on the graphic design contest. I was pretty upset. But apparently out of hundreds of entries one of my banners was at least mentioned. I was still pretty bummed though. But Patty made me feel better. He bought tons of twink stuff in game for my new warrior twink i'm trying to make. And he is making a shaman healer twink. It was really sweet of him. Then after that I ate dinner with Lori, Kevin and the kids and we went to see Night at the Museum. It was a good movie, I liked it. Came home after that then things kinda went to hell. Not sure whats going to happen in wow right now. The guild is kinda making me mad. Too much drama. I don't play a game for drama. We'll see what happens. But I did get spend alot of time with Val and I always like that! We just sat around on our Death Knight and talked. So thats what I took a picture of, my Death Knight! Gonna go to bed now.

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