Sunday, May 10, 2009

Change for life

I drove to Amy's church today to help hand out these baby bottles to raise money for the local women's pregnancy crisis center. I'm thinking about volunteering there this summer. But I'm also going to be babysitting for Zach and Ashley this summer too. So I don't know. I've had my license for a week and today was the first day I drove by myself haha. It was fun to be driving around by myself with the music blasting all legal and what not. I went to sonic TWICE today.. /sigh long story. Spent time with the family all day. Worked on Amy's blog, still trying to work on the layout. I'm not likin it so far. Gettin frustrated. Some other stuff happened that I don't wanna talk about. All in all it was a good day though. Kinda like that half full half empty thing, I could say its good or bad. But i'll choose to say its good. Besides, I had alot of fun with Amy, John and the kids today that out weighs all the crap from today.

I got new gear in world of warcraft and finally got it all enchanted and pretty. I look pretty cool next to my Squire if I do say so myself.


  1. The squire is the short one, right:)? I had fun too.

  2. Adam says that he thinks you paused the game so you could take a picture and that's cool.
