Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I got my license today. The picture is actually okay. I just look sleepy which I was and kinda mad maybe which I was. And I have a dimple from my smile, kinda annoying but oh well. I look kinda mad because the lady spelled my name wrong, she spelled it Karener. So then I had to do it all over again. Take the picture again sign it again everything, lame. After that mom and I went to Waffle House. I saw this boy I used to go to school with get arrested today. He used to make fun of me and trip me and make me drop all my stuff. So ha karma is a bitch. Then I went to my nephew's band concert. He looked so cute with his lil Clarinet. Awww. After Lori, Kevin, Zach, Ashley, Mom and I went to Waffle House for chocolate pie mmm. Yeah I went to Waffle House twice today. Wanna fight about it? Now I'm on my way to raiding Ulduar in world of warcraft again. Woot.

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