Friday, May 8, 2009


I've been sick today. Sneezing, coughing, sore throat, headache etc. So I've just been in bed most of the day and when I wasn't in bed I was playing world of warcraft. So my picture today is just my water bottle that I've been drinking non stop out of. Yeah, exciting, I know. I also included a world of warcraft screenshot. Because unlike most people I have a real life and a gaming life. Gamer girl ftw! For you non wow players ftw means for the win. Losers! Anyway, so the bottom screenshot is a picture of my orphan, her name is Dornaa. Every year sometime in May they have Children's Week. When you get to adopt an orphan for a week and take them places, buy them ice cream and stuff like that. Today was the last day with my orphan, so sad. Oh well, until next year. The next world of warcraft holiday is Midsummer, around my birthday yay! Hope I get the Midsummer pet for my birthday that would be awesome!

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