Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today I had to say goodbye to my sister Stacy, her husband Steve and my niece and nephews Laina, Leon and Lowan. After I said goodbye to them I realized how crappy I felt and went back to bed while Kim spent most of the day with Hank anyway. The only thing we really did today was we went bowling. Then we came home ate dinner and played the wii for a while. Once Zane was in bed we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Now i'm back in my room debating on sleeping or reading more Twilight Breaking Dawn. I don't think I can sleep after how much that nyquil knocked me out last night and this morning. Maybe I should take more nyquil though since I still feel crappy. Maybe I just feel crappy because I had to say some goodbye today though. I don't know. I didn't cry though thats weird. When I was younger I would.

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