Friday, July 10, 2009

My world

Today was my last day with Steve, Stacy and Laina. Tomorrow morning I will say goodbye to them and who knows when I will see them next. Its been..forever since I had seen Stacy and them to begin with. But this is the first time in a long time that I have had all my nieces and nephews at one time. So I had to have somebody take a picture. Because who knows when this will happen again? I felt really crappy today, been sneezing, coughing and had a runny nose all day. Its been miserable. All we did was hang out at the house and go to the library but ugh. I felt bad all day. Luckly though when you spend time with such cute kids.. It doesn't matter if you feel like hell. They are still wonderful. And its easy to find whats right in the world.

Even though Amy took this picture I'm using it as my photo of the day because this is what I wish for all the time. My world. My nieces and nephews all together everyday. What a life that would be? And all my sisters too of couse would come along with that. Mmm..I wish.

From left to right Zachary the oldest, Caleb (in Zach's lap), Adam, Leon, Me, Lowan (in my lap), Zane (in front of me), Ashley, Daniel (in Ashley's lap), and Laina next to Ashley.

1 comment:

  1. Do you really think you could handle ALL of us at the same time :)
