Friday, July 17, 2009


Today was a horrible start. I got into a huge thing with my mom so I had to ask Amy to come pick me up and take me to Beebe to babysit. Thanks for that by the way, Amy. After that things got better. I got to spend a lot of time with Amy and the kids at her house. I talked to Amy about how I wanted to go on some kind of fun trip that will make feel like a teenager again. I feel horrible about the fact that I never really got to be a teenager. I feel like i've spent most of my life being responsible. Then I went back to Lori's house and the ice cream man was driving by so Zach, Ashley and I ran after him and got ice cream. Hell yeah! I got the batman one with gumball eyes. Mmm. Then we went to Angela's house and ate baked potatoes and watched Ghost Hunters. That is until Angela and I fell asleep. Then Lori came by. Angela and I watched the sunset while walking to Lori's house to spend time with her. Then Kevin drove me home and mom said sorry to me for this morning and we watched Harry Potter 4 together.

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