Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ice age 3

Today we went to the movies. We saw Ice Age 3. It was cute..not as funny as I thought it would be. It was more serious and intense than funny. Still good, the kiddos liked it. After that we chilled at home and played games. Stacy gave me my birthday gift, Leon picked out the cool pirate gift bag, Laina picked out the shimmering body lotion, and Steve and Stacy picked out the game Catch Prase: music edition. We played it a bit it was fun. It doesn't sound like we did alot but we did. The only thing that sucked was my throat hurt all day and I had a migraine for a bit. I need to take more pictures.. Its already the end of day 2 and I hardly have any pictures to show for it. I feel bad since Stacy leaves friday? maybe saturday. Either way I should have taken more pictures. But the picture today is a picture I took with my camera phone of my sister Stacy and I. Till tomorrow.

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