Saturday, July 18, 2009


I woke up today to Amy being at the house and telling me she is going to Phoenix, AZ with my mom in August. I was trying to decide if I should go or not. Being that this might be my last chance to see Nana and depressing as that thought might be.. I hate making decisions, especially tough ones. Though with me all decisions are tough..but still. I didn't know what to do. Then as I was going back and forth between to the two and thinking how depressing and hard this trip would be. I remembered back before my sisters came to visit when I was at Angela's house, we were looking at Twilight stuff online. I remembered coming across the Twilight Cruise along with a Twilight Convention that would be in Phoenix, AZ. So I quickly looked it up and realized it was a few days before my mom's flight. So long story short, my sister Amy and I are going to Phoenix, AZ a few days before my mom to go to the Twilight Convention! This is exactly what I need. Ironic that after talking to Amy about how I wanted to take a trip somewhere fun yesterday this would happen the day after! Angela and Lori might be coming as well. The more the fun!

I'm going to be working on saving money for my Bella costume before we leave. While I'm in Phoenix I'm also going to buy a lil catus just like Bella's. This is going to be great! It doesn't matter how horribly depressing or miserable the rest of the trip is. This is worth it already! And I'll even get to see Jasper and Alice IN REAL LIFE! And get pictures with them! Hell yeah! Not as great as Edward and Bella but second best.

Its like the sunrise after yesterday's horrible sunset and gloom that i've felt the past few days. Things are great.

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