Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I do want to pounce you and suck your blood

Today I went to Lori's house and babysat for 12 straight hours. We watched 2 out of 4 of the harry potter movies I brought with me. And then we hung out at Angela's house. We had the most hilarious wild catz night in a while. And thats where I got my title from. It was a quote of Angela's tonight. We looked at a website tonight full of twilight t-shirts to find our favs. It was fun. I had alot of fun. Now i'm going to go watch the 3rd harry potter movie and go to bed. I would write more but I honestly can't think of all the things that were hilarious now. /shrug Girls who understands them, right? Not even other girls.

Oh, I found my lost license too. It was funny because I was looking for some letters Kim and Dee gave me to give to Amy, that I shoved in my bag. And I said "Well they were in here." As I looked through the bag for them. Amy said "Right with your license?" And I laughed and then when I found the letters, there they were wedged in between the letters! Maybe it WAS in my car and that was Kim's way of giving it back? Who knows? Either way I'm glad that's one problem solved.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, it's been two days since you updated. What's up?
