Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shhh....I'm having an epiphany here!

I'm going to lazyly and tired..ly make this one huge paragraph of describing my day in a tired lazy sleepyish manneryayay! Babysat today. Dropped the kids off. Went shopping with my sister and mom. Went to IHop. Had eggs overeasy /shrug idk why I picked overeasy either so don't ask. But the ketchup on my eggs looked like a smiley..with a beauty mark. So I named them Rosealie eggs. They were damn good. Then we went to do more shopping /bleh. I got new converse though. Yes, it was necessary. They were on sale and lil boys converse and they were low top. I didn't own a pair of black low tops! But I do now! Then we went to sonic. Then we dropped Amy back at home. Went home. Got the movie. Went to hastings to return it. Rented another one. Went to BigLots for no real reason. I forget what we got there. Maybe nothing? Went home. The hours between when we came home and when I got in wow at 10 to raid are a blur to me.. But I did raid! And it was fun! 3 bosses killed and I haven't raided in forever!! I missed everybody. Especially Val and Patty. Mmm Patty's voice I missed so much. I got some boots too that dropped. And um I talked to Val. And I had an epiphany. Oh and then during my epiphany he was like talking and I was like "shh I'm having an epiphany here!" well actually I think I made two points and I can't remember what point one was. Oh wait I remember, I was explaining to him that this twilight convention wouldn't be the only one or the best one since there was three other movies coming out. One in novemember. And then my point number two was "shh I'm having an epiphany here!" And then just now while writing this blog I remembered..hey thats a mother effin Bella quote! Well the last part anyway not point one and two just the epiphany part. But I'm too tired to remember what her epiphany was. Or mine for that matter. But I am not tired enough to forget what Epiphany means. So take that!

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