Saturday, July 25, 2009


The outfit I wore today was awesome. I looked super cute. Too bad all I did was lay around the house most of the day and then go to the movies with Lori and the kids. McDonalds and the dollar movies no less, Land of the Lost. Wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. And more vulgar than I thought it would be. I've been saying that alot lately, haven't I? Its because most movies these days suck. Not to sound old are anything.. But seriously, whats with the lack of morals in movies? Why is it all movies have to contain lots of cursing, sexual content, drugs or alcohol, and crude humor? And don't even get me started about how they have to put a gay joke or a gay character in every movie to be "politcally correct." And you know what? I bet even gay people get sick of that. Most of the time they are making fun of flamboyantly gay people. You would think that would be offensive to them. I can't really remember the last time I saw a GOOD family movie. Oh wait no, I actually lied. Zach, Ashley and I rented Inkheart the other night. It was really good. It was only rated PG. But seriously, I wouldn't recommend Land of the Lost. Way more crap in it than I thought. Not nearly as bad as Transformers 2 though /rolls eyes.

I also rented Confessions of a Shopaholic tonight. It was...cute. However, as far as romantic comedies go, it sucked. I can't relate to somebody who loves shopping so much. I mean are there seriously women out there that spend 1,000 dollars on a purse? What happens when your baby throws up on it so much that you have to get a new one? Do rich frivolous people not have kids? Do they have kids but just use a nanny? Do they realize that they could buy several cars and houses and feed a small country with their wardrobe? Do they OWN small countries? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop???

Okay so the first picture is a picture of me as a vampire only with blue eyes. Because my friend Val said he liked the pictures of me as a vampire but not the eyes lol. And I was trying to see if I could still get the "Vampire look" without editing my skin at all like I did the others. I figured my skin was pale enough. And it was. I just had to edit my lips to take out the red. And my freckles of course, and the red in my cheeks. Other than that..and the warm golden eyes, I'm a real life pale faced vampire. How depressing. The second picture is my outfit. Cute shirts, right? I know right!

My sims character popped out two more boys. Twins! I have 6 boys now. Geez. Patty sim sure does never bed!

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