Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today I got an uber amount of dork points. I'm way ahead of Angela now. I think I have over 100. I got a bracelet just like Bella's (as seen above), I got Bella's travel bag like she has in the book. Only the travel bag I have has Edward scented linen spray, Alice scented lotion, and Bella scented lotion and body spray, oh and don't forget strawberry scented shampoo just like Bella's (even though I already use strawberry scented shampoo and always have..) and last but not least vampire lip balm. It totally burns when you put it on lol. I also got Amy and I's Twi-Tour tickets in the mail. And headbands just like Bella's! I got Twilight band-aids too. That was completely necessary. I was running really low on pirate band-aids. I've got alot of cool shit recently.

I had fun tonight at Wild Catz night. Even though it seems Lori was in a bad mood.. And nobody appreciated all my dorky twilight/bella stuff. They just made fun of me. But I'm used to that. /shrug I like the stuff. That's all that matters. I have been excited about it all day. And my bed totally smells like Edward now. Fan-fuckin-tastic! Even though Amy and Angela say it smells like beer and baby powder. Pfft. Edward smells like sun, lilac and honey. And Bella's stuff of course smells like freesia with a hint of lavander. I loves it!! But I think I like the bracelet more actually. It suits me.

I watched Push tonight. It was okay.. The ending sucked. Left you thinking, so they are going to make a second one..? /shrug

Next movie I'm going to rent is Knowing.

I think I'm going through a random growth spurt that shouldn't happen to a 22 year old. I can't stop eating (and I hardly ever eat) and I think I have gotten taller. Found a pair of jeans that used to be way too long. Now they almost fit. Also, whats the deal with me not being able to find jeans that fit me AND are the right length? Its always one or the other.

I heard a funny dumb blonde joke today.

What did the blonde's left leg say to her right leg?
Between the two of us, we can make a lot of money.

When I heard that joke I snorted from laughing and pictured Jake saying it to Rosalie and Rosalie growling.

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