Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Purple = Violet

Babysat all day 13 hours. Got paid 10 bucks. Sigh. Seriously stressing out about money for this trip. Beginning to think it was a big mistake. What if I don't end up having fun from all this stress and stuff? What if none of the stars can make it due to filming the next movie? Sigh. Anyway..the first picture is my shoes. The second is my favorite, I really like that picture not sure why though. Third picture is Ashley and Zach, look at the sky in the background! Anyway, had fun with the kids today and at wild catz night. And with Angela and Amy today. For some reason the word purple kept coming up today. And I realized that I say the word purple because I hear it all the time. But I honestly hate it. Its VIOLET not purple. So I'm going to try and correct myself everytime I catch myself saying purple instead of violet. Call it OCD, but I'm an artist for God's sake!

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