Monday, July 27, 2009

Monks shop at Wal-Mart

Today I woke up and went to pick up the kids. We stopped by Amy's house to talk to her for a while before coming back to my house for lunch. We watched the movie Coraline, by Tim Burton. I LOVED IT!! Tim Burton strikes again! Then we went to Hastings to return it and get a dollar credit. We rented Pink Panther 2. Yeah, I kinda phased out during it. But we got three different new Wii games, and some books. I got Wuthering Heights and Anne of Green Gables. I used to love alot of these classics when I was younger but I never owned them my sisters did. And they took them when they moved lol. Reading the Twilight saga has made me miss them all over again. Ironic Bella's favorites are also (some) of my favorites. The Wii games we got a pretty awesome too. I got Lego Indiana Jones, Ironman and MySims Party. It was buy two get one for a dollar so Ironman we got for a dollar. /shrug

We went to Wal-Mart for some food and such. We saw monks there in their robes and stuff with purses or something that matched their robes. And they had the short haircuts but they had cell phones. It was weird I didn't think monks could have cell phones. Or go to Wal-Marts for that matter..

Ashley and I had strawberry soda today so that's how her tongue and mouth got all red. And the first picture is a logo I designed for my friend Dustin who is running for mayor for his city. I don't agree with him on anything politically though. I didn't spend more than 30 mins on this logo. And I refused to make it look like the Obama O logo. Seriously, Obama being a shitty person/president aside, look at his damn logo. Who did he have designing his logos? A 4th grader? I've splattered paint on dirt and come up with a better logo than that.

Today was tiring but fun. I got some cool stuff. But now its time for bed. Because tomorrow I have to go...SHOPPING UGH!!!!! The good news is..I have tomorrow and wed off! Woot!

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