Monday, July 13, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Today Amy and I were both feeling sick. Her kids, Zane and Ashley and Zach were here. They spent most of the day playing wii and stuff. Ugh.. today was actually a pretty bad day considering all the family drama. But putting all that aside.. WHICH IS HARD TO DO.. It was a good day because it was our last night together with Kim, Dee and Zane. We played some badmitten. And we played password and Taboo after Amy and the kids left. Then Zach and Ashley went to bed and I watched some tv show online with Kim and Dee that they like. Called Arrested Development. It was pretty funny and stupid at the same time. During the day today in between me feeling like crap, I managed to finish reading the last chapter of Breaking Dawn. How ironic that I would finish this book on my last day with Kim, Dee and Zane? And add in all the drama and its pretty depressing. Like a hole inside me. I will have to really keep myself busy this week to try and fill this hole inside me. It was a really good ending.. Biggest twists ever. Things happened I never expected and I can't believe Angela was able to keep these secrets from me! But as happy as the ending was..I really think its the end. I really think the author won't write another book of my alter ego Bella and my beloved Edward. What a depressing thing.

I also have alot of family stress to think about that won't help at all with my..hole I'm feeling. Twilight was a good happy place to go to when I was feeling overwhelmed, depressed, stressed or even just bored. Now what will I do?

And as if God is almost wanting me to let my depression sink in..its storming outside. What a cruel joke, God!

1 comment:

  1. God would never want you to be depressed! Maybe He wants you to fill the hole with him instead of books that have endings :)
