Friday, July 3, 2009


Today I went to pick up the kids early in the morning to babysit. We went to Angela's house and hung out for a while. I gave her New Moon back and got the third book Eclipse. Then I had to go home so Mom would have the car for her hair appointment. But Amy and the kids were here so we spent time with them. Ashley and Zach wanted to see them anyway so it all worked out. We went to Wal-Mart and we went to the fireworks stand. I spent all money on fireworks. I'm excited about tomorrow. The fireworks in the picture isn't even half of it. I wish I could have spent time with Patty today. The kids are spending the night because they wanted to play sims and stuff some more. Looks like i'll be taking them home early in the morning so they can still spend time with Lori and Kevin during the day on their day off.

Adam and Daniel played wow by themselves for a little while tonight. It was hilarious! Adam was so freaking out over my pets and mounts. I filmed it for a min. It was too funny.

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