Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today was exciting in a boring way. All I did was read Eclipse all day. The third book of the Twilight series. I was in alot of pain so there wasn't much else to do. I got up every once in a while and tried to see if I could clean my room without pain. But I just couldn't. I kept having to stop crunch up in ball. So I would always give up and go back to reading. But I was completely content in getting lost in this book. Unlike book 2 this one was not painful. When I read the painful book 2 I would have a hard time breathing or would end up crying and give up after just one chapter. With this book, I'm having a hard time breathing but not for the same reason. Because its so exciting! I find I can hardly put it down. I'm already half way through. I'm going to try and savor the last half. Maybe Kim and Stacy coming Tuesday will be enough distraction. Edward, sweet vampire Edward, sadly you will come second to my family. /sigh!

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