Monday, November 30, 2009

JAPANESE fortune cookies

Today I went to the library with Amy and the kids. Then we went to Wal-Mart. I talked to Jojo on the phone for a bit but he was quickly scared away by the sound of kids in the background lol. And then we went on a huge adventure to find Chinese food. It was a bust. We went to the Chinese place in J-ville first. And it was closed. So then we went to the one in Cabot. It turns out that its not really Chinese food its Japanese food I guess. I walked out without a fortune cookie. And I was like screw this I don't care if I didn't dine in. I want a damn fortune cookie! So I went back in and asked for one. Turns out that was a highly offensive thing to ask. And she got really defensive. I'm sure she was thinking "stupid white people" and probably pretty proud of herself for getting an attitude with me. But if she thinks that she embarrassed me she is way wrong. It in fact made my day to make her so offended. And I had to keep myself from laughing in her face. So..after that I went to knight's and got a box of fortune cookies. SO YEAH, SCREW YOU JAPANESE RESTAURANT!

We went home and ate our crappy small amounts of Japanese food. That's another way in which Japanese food sucks apparently. Then I opened my fortune cookie and my fortune read "Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men." This was ironic because I had just had a convo with Angela about her ex-hubby sucking badly. And then shortly after reading and eating that cookie I had an arguement with Patty. IRONY! Okay, those are the highlights of my day. Moving along now.

Quotes of the day:
(And now Quotes of the day brings you..Angela and I pretending to be Edward and Bella.)

Angela: "Yeah you don't belong in my world!"
Me: "I belong with you. Dead and sparkly though.. Not the human way. Because that would only leave for some boring perverted books."
Angela: "Ok well then. So be it. I'll promise to love you eternally and touch your face alot."
Me: "That's all I ask. And that you not spend money on me. Or throw me parties. Or forbid me to do anything. Okay, I actually ask alot."
Angela: "As long as you don't want physical intimacy..."
Me: "Its okay I'll rape you on our wedding night and then get pregnant so you can't leave me. Then when you think you're going to force me into an abortion I'll bring your bitch of a sister into the situation."
Angela: "Sounds good. Where do I sign?"
Me: "Just sign this piece of paper saying "be safe." Then later we can both laugh at how you don't follow your own advice when I get pregnant."
Angela: "Hey... I have an idea! When you go into labor... I can rip the baby out of your uterus with my teeth. Fun times?"
Me: "Ah yes. I will enjoy that because I enjoy things that are bad for me just to see if you can grow grey hair. But its okay because you're the heroine addict here."
Angela: "Haha ok now I'm smiling. We're crazy!"
Me: "Yes we are. 10 mins. I timed that shit. And I was the last one to speak. What's the score Angela 2 me 3? Fuuuuuuck yeahhhh!"
Angela: "Not fair though.. I'm approving payroll for 23 people AND scheduling time off for them at the same time.. Along with working my time report for last wednesday."
Me: "I love when you talk work talk. Let's make out until its painful for you. Then I can try and force you into more because I'm a greedy bitch."
(This skit was brought to you by Snuggie.)

Me: "Hey do you have these in the boxes?"
Random Wal-Mart guy: "You play world of warcraft?"
Me: "Yeah..." /awkward pause with starring "So do you?"
Random Wal-Mart guy: "No.." /another awkward pause
Me: "Right.." /runs away

Angela: "K I'll let you know details later this wk."
Me: "You make it sound like an evil plan.. I'm waiting for Perry the Platypus to jump out and thwart our plans."

Me: "You forgot the fortune cookies.."
JAPANESE lady: "We don't have fortune cookies. This isn't a CHINESE restaurant."
Me: /grinning "OKAY.."

Amy: "You highly offended her!"
Me: "I KNOW! It was so worth it. That made my day. I almost want to go back in there and ask her what kinda restaurant it is then."
Me: "And why don't they have fortune cookies?"
Amy: "Well I guess you found your question of the day."

Zach: "Ask chacha what the definition of martian is."
Me: "Okay I will later. Wait what? Why are you looking up the definition of martian? And are you at school doing this?"

Me: "JoJo!!!"
JoJo: "Babysue!!!"
Me: "I'm glad we have interesting nicknames for each other. But they would be highly embarrassing to say in front of other people."

Question of the day:
Why don't Japaneses people eat fortune cookies?

1 comment:

  1. i don't have any answers to your question of the day. oh so sorry.

    BUT i hear it is supposed to snow tomorrow... haha!!! if it does, IF it does...
