Monday, November 23, 2009

Peanut butter and waffles?

Got my carpet today but it didn't fit my room. So I have to get another one instead. Awesome.. I did get my shower curtain rod and curtain on in my bathroom though. I hope I can accomplish more tomorrow. Amy, John and the kids are spending the night tonight. We went to Waffle House for dinner. The waitress really enjoyed Caleb. He kept glaring at her but she finally got him to laugh. It was funny. I'm not really feeling very good right now. And I'm just not in the blogging mood. I haven't really been lately. Sorry. /shrug Stressed out, what can I say?

But I do have a short story. Amy and I were driving to Wal-Mart and this cop stopped at this yellow light, paused, it then turned red and he turned left on the red light. I honked my horn at him. He is a fucking cop! SERIOUSLY! He just ran a red light and he is a cop?! Pathetic. So yeah, I'm going to honk my horn at you. You aren't above the law dude. Not at all.

The picture of the day is Amy's pjs because I forgot to take a picture today. And then Amy wouldn't let me take a pic of her. So...yeah..there ya go!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I got an email from snuggie!!!"

Me: "I just honked at a cop for running a red light."
Angela: "You're insane!"

Angela: "You know. You prob need a key to my house... I'm not sure why.. But you do."
Me: "That seems very logical."

Daniel: "Karen.."
Me: "Yes?"
Daniel: "I can make noises with my mouth watch." /makes a noise with his mouth "SEE?"
Me: "That was truly amazing..spit and all."

Adam: "Peanut butter ALWAYS belongs on waffles!"
Me: "I'm so sorry I didn't realize this was a rule."

Question of the day:
How do you eat your waffles?


  1. with a fork. and sometimes i like to put that Brummel and Brown strawberry butter on them and wait til it melts... YUMMY!

  2. I eat them with peanut butter also.
