Saturday, November 7, 2009

Whined out

I had about two hours sleep this morning. I couldn't sleep and then when I finally fell asleep I slept for an hour and woke up to a text message in the middle of the night. It was Val and we talked for about an hour and a half. It had been forever since I talked to him. So I didn't fall asleep until like an hour before I was suppose to get up at 8 to get Zach back to Beebe. I then spent from 8 to 12 listening to kids whine and cry. Not sure what was up with all my nephews and niece today. But they all whined AND cried at one point. YES ALL! Ashley, Zach, Adam, Daniel and Caleb. So by the time Lori, Amy and I left to start our shopping I was more than ready to go. Shopping might be horrible but I was getting a migraine listening to whining and crying.

We went out to eat at Dixie Cafe, then went to Kmart, then Wal-Mart, then Hastings, then Mardel's, then back to Lori's house for lunch. It was so tiring. I mean seriously so. I really didn't want to go to Mardel's even because it was so late by the time we got done with all the other stores. Ah well..

I pocket dailed somebody for the first time today. It was Joseph! Poor Jojo listened to Lori, Amy and I talking in the car and ordering Starbucks lol! And then I accidently did it again later. Oopsy.

I helped Ashley with her homework before leaving their house and coming home. Glad to be home, geez. Sure, I got three nephews done for Christmas shopping and only 6 nieces/nephews to go. But still.. I am so tired!

The pictures of the day is me at the park while I was waiting for Kevin's family to get their family pictures taken there. I've been told the first pic is my best smile. And I realized today that's a crooked smile! You see where i'm going with this.. Don't you? DON'T YOU!?!?!

Quotes of the day:
JoJo - "Pumpkin frapuccino?? Tell her to order cinnamon dolce."
Me - "Wait what? Did I just pocket dial you?"
JoJo - "I heard all the girl talk."

Me - "Taylor and Taylor sittin in a tree..."
Angela - "Makin me want to scream!"

Me - "When I was your age I was really good at whining." /nods proudly
Ashley - /rolls eyes and sighs
Me - "In fact just today I was telling my friend Val how good you have gotten at whining and he said you must be a mini version of me. Sure he didn't mean this as a compliment, but it takes talent to be extremely annoying. We both do it well."

Alan: "I thought you might want to know that I might become a werewolf soon."

Alan: "I think that drugs are the proverbial human blood that I crave."
Me: "Lovely."
Alan: "I think that's the sin in my past that makes you not belong in my world."
Alan: "I think getting you high would be like turning you."
Me: "If thats a ploy to get me to do it youre howling up the wrong tree wolf boy."
Alan: "It isn't."
Me: "Good."
Alan: "It's merely an observation I've made."

Me: "Yeah I can't even spell that word let alone pronouce it."
Zach: "Well I'm 12 and I can." /smiles smugly
Me: "Well bully for you."
Zach: "What?"
Me: "Ooooo you don't know that term? Not so smart now are you?"

Question of the day:
Did you see where I was going with the crooked smile thing? (cookies for whoever gets it.)


  1. I don't have to answer your question, you give me cookies every Wednesday anyway!

  2. ahhhh crap! did i miss the cookies?

    btw... tell Alan that he better not go all wolfie... or he'll have all kinds of NEW followers, hmmmmm
