Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon: with my niece and nephew

I saw the movie again today for the third time in a row. But this time I saw it with Zach and Ashley. I woke up at 8AM after exactly 8 hours sleep for the first time in...well I don't know an extremely long time. Even though I still woke up alot during the night it was great. Then the kids came over and Ashley and I cuddled while watching cartoons, while Zach was outside. Then we all three went to get our tickets, see the movie then we went to Burger King. We met up there with Amy, John and the boys. Then we went back to Amy's house to have cake and celebrate Mom's birthday. Then kids decided they wanted to spend the night. So I took them back to their house to grab clothes. Then we went to rent a movie then back to my house where we just were really lazy but still had fun. Now I'm going to continue having fun watching the nanny with them before I crash. NIGHT!

By the way, first picture is Ashley and I watching cartoons and cuddling and the second is the three of us at the movies. Its obvious..but whatever.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "You're a sparkle vampire junkie."
Me: "Yeah! Proud of it lol."

Ashley: "My heart broke in half when Edward broke up with Bella."
Me: "Me too. I noticed you got teary eyed."
Ashley: "Yeah, I cried."
Me: "Its ok I did too."

Ashley: /as we are walking into Burger King she notices Jacob Black on the front door "NO WRONG DOOR! Quick run to the Edward one!"

Zach: "Emmett is just the coolest."

Me: /drinking out of my Burger King cup with Edward on it "I can almost taste Edward."
Random lady at least in her 50s: "Ha! I heard that! That's the same reason I got one!"

Me: "Aro creeps me out so bad."
Zach: "Jasper was creepier than Aro."

Ashley: "Edward has it all!"
Me: "Truer words have never been spoken."

Ashley: /turns and looks at me during the scene when Edward takes his shirt off "NICE!"
Me: /nods "I know right."
Ashley: "He has chest hair. And Jacob doesn't. Some werewolf he is!"
Me: "Real men have chest hair. And by real men I mean real vampires."
Ashley: /nods "I know right."

Zach: "There is a reason you're so cool."
Me: "Is it because I randomly take you to PG-13 movies that involve vampires?"
Zach: "That's partly it yes."


Ashley: "Ashley B. is team Jacob. I don't get why though."
Me: "Look Ashley, I'll tell you why people like "Jacob's" and why you and I will never like "Jacob's" so it will all be clear. Some girls like guys like Jacob because they like the easy way out. The best friend that's comforting and non-challenging. But we like a challenge. We like to sacrifice things for a guy that can give us everything, including but not limited to adventure and passion."
Ashley: "Plus Edward is hotter and sparkles."
Me: "That too."

Zach: "Or maybe gay guys."

Question of the day:
Team Edward or Team Jacob?

1 comment:

  1. Que totally asked me which team I was on after the movie... i respectfully said... Team Jasper. He smiled.

    OH... and btw... he crawls in to bed beside me and scoops me up and says... "hmmm, wet dog smell, coming up".... *shocked face* does he get, I mean, really get what he just said to me?????
