Thursday, November 12, 2009

Swine Flu

Today Amy and the kids came over. Adam and Daniel played with me (and the wii and computer) while Amy took Caleb to the doctor. He has swine flu. Sigh. Seems like the whole world is getting swine flu. I'll be next I'm sure. I mean I catch everything all the time. I'm pretty much always sick. I'm suprised I haven't gotten it already.

So I'm really stressed out. And I'm still "gonna snap" but apparently I'm not the only one that's in danger of snapping. Tons of people are. I's just a fucking fall/winter month thing! Anyway, I don't have much to say today. Jojo made me feel better though. He always tends to do that. I realized today that I really don't have many friends. Especially compared to other people. But I have the fucking best friends. And that's what it's all about right? Val once told me "Its quality not quanity" he was so right. Its like when you go to Wal-Mart and you get the "best choice" stuff. But you know its really not the best choice its just the cheapest. I went for the more expensive name brand friends. So thanks guys, for not being the crappy cheap-o best choice friends!

Quotes of the day:
Daniel: "Karen do you have those eggs?"

Adam: "Watch me beat this level!!"
Me: /clearly watching
Adam: "WATCH ME!!!"
Me: /still watching "I am!"
Adam: "DID YOU SEE???"
Me: "Yeah that was great!"
Adam: /shakes his head "No you missed it."

Daniel: "IT BROKE!" /points to the laptop
Me: /pushes a key "That was just the screensaver."
Daniel: "YEAH! You fixed it!"

Me: "Your baby has swin flu. =["
Angela: "Who? Alexander? Taylor? You?"
(Had to put that one in because I found it hilarious Angela said two guy fictional characters then me.)

Question of the day:
Favorite winter drink? (I'm going to have to go with Mexican Coffee or Hot Coco.)


  1. HEY! Alexander and Taylor are not fictional characters... those are their REAL names!!

    and i would like some mexican coffee tonight... while eating chinese food and watching Trueblood (oMg... i'm finishing the 2nd season this weekend even if i have to watch it by myself!)

  2. Hot tea. The quotes are too cute. Adam looks so little in the above pic and Dan is such a cheeser.
