Saturday, November 28, 2009

Got? Leaf...s

So today I went shopping with Angela and Jessica. I woke up took a shower and got ready then Angela picked me up. We went and got her car washed then went to La Push to pick up Jessica. Ha-ha. We saw this sign that said "Got? Leafs" and I don't really know what the ad was for but it was hilarious and poorly done. We then went to Chili's and stuffed our faces (literally!) Then we went shopping. ALLLLL DAY. And as much as I LOATH shopping this actually wasn't half bad. I had fun with them. And I got Zach and Ashley done! And part of John's gift. Now all I have left is Alan, Angela and the rest of John's gift. I think that's it..

Amy was sending me pics of the kids all day. It looks like they have been having fun in Mississippi. And Jojo called me while we were at Barnes and Noble. I like that I can talk to him about nothing and still enjoy it. I miss having that with people. I used to have that with Patty but now it seems to be lost. I can't seem to hold a conversation with him lately to save my life. I don't know if its me or him..or what.. But I know its why I have been moody lately and not at all in the mood to blog. I hope it changes soon. I miss him and what we have always had. And even though Jojo and Angela and everybody else is great.. I will always have this place in my heart for Patty. And without him to fill that hole its just a huge void. Nothing can replace it. And when we have these short little conversations that is just us asking how the other is and that's pretty much it.. It just makes the hole feel bigger and more empty. I'm tired of hurting from it. But I don't know how to fix it. But I know trying to avoid him and not think about him isn't working. So I need a plan B. Sigh.

The picture of the day is actually from inside Angela's car when we were getting a car wash. It was the most exciting part. I clapped my hands and got all excited. I'm not sure what it's suppose to do exactly.. But it's prettyful!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "La Push baby, La Push!"

Waiter guy: "Can I start you ladies off with some margarita's?"
Me: "NO!"

Angela: "I feel like I'm always embarrassing you."
Me: "Well you are. But it's's like you said I'm easy to embarrass."

JoJo: "Did you show them that picture I sent you with Blade?"
Me: "No..they wouldn't find it funny. They are serious fans. I've trained them well."

Jessica: "You guys are a trip."

Me: "We would need rap names. Like Lil J and Lil Ang and Lil KK."
Angela: "We can't all be Lil."
Jessica: "I could be De Jon."

Angela: "Got leafs?"
Me: "Actually its Got? Leaf....sssss."

Question of the day:
If you were a rapper..what would your name be? HOLLA IT AT ME, YO.

1 comment:

  1. haha... Jessica.... DeJon... Mustard... :o)

    i'm gonna have to use my fairy name.... Silvermist! haha, would that be ok for a rapper name too?
