Friday, November 6, 2009

Leeroyyyyy Jenkiiiinnnnns

I felt sick all day. Sneezing and coughing and fever. Plus a bad migraine that made it so I couldn't possibly drive. So I made Mom pick up Zach from school. Which was great because then I got to be lazy for once and then Mom brought me back a sonic drink. Then Zach and I just watched funny youtube videos for a long time. And then I made him watch all the New Moon trailiers and clips. Then I showed up my new pets in WoW. And then we watched George Lopez. I personally can't stand the show but he likes it. I made him watch the Leeroy Jenkins WoW video. And then we found a Lord of The Rings version of it. We both laughed until we were crying. But now he is behind me trying to go to sleep. So I'm going to get in bed as well. I have to have him in Beebe by 9 tomorrow morning.. Yay...

By the way, pray for my sister Stacy. She has swine flu.

Quotes of the day:
Zach: "You should get a solid white Christmas tree and put red orchids on it."

Zach: "Hey how are you feeling? Woah you look like crap."
Me: "Thanks Zach, I feel better already."
Zach: "Sorry you don't look like crap."
Me: "I just FEEL like crap."
Zach: "Ah I see what you did there. Clever."

Zach: "You disgust me!"
Me: "I get that alot."

Zach: /with a full mouth he mumbles something incoherant
Me: /with a mouth full of food also "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Question of the day:
Best day of the week? (I'm thinking saturday)

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