Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon: with Jacob, Alice, Jasper and company

I drove EVERYWHERE today. Seriously. I drove EVERYWHERE. Bleh. But I saw New Moon for the second time. And I saw it with Jacob, Alice and Jasper no less. Plus Alice's son and Jessica. It was epic. What can I say? Then we went to IHop. We saw the wolf pack there. And we got yelled at by random black ladies walking out. And tons of other shenanigans mixed in with all this. Then I took Jessica home to La Push. It was all fun times. Fun times indeed. But I am epicly tired. I forgot to take pictures of ANYTHING of importance. Pretty disappointed about that. I planned on getting pics of everybody. But I forgot because I was busy having too much fun. So the picture is me stuck in traffic. Yay? Anyway, I have to go pack a bit then go to bed. Or fall asleep while packing or something. /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Me: "The wolf is IN the bag (or car rather) and we are on our way to rave. Do you copy, Alice? Over."
Angela: "10-4 BFFE!"
Me: /looks at Alan "Yeah, we are cool we talk like this all the time."

Alan: "Jacob is a racist."

Me: "Did anybody else notice that Sam just appears out of nowhere and then makes an order and runs away?"

Alan: "It shouldn't be against the law to murder somebody in a theatre."

Me: /pretending to be Sam "You're next Jacob. Take off your shirt..and shave your hair."

Me: /pretending to be Bella "She can stay as long as she likes because we are lesbo lovers!"

Angela: "The wolf pack is hot!"


Me: "EEEEEEEAH! EEEEEEDWARRRRD!" /claps hands when he first appears on screen

Question of the day:
Favorite time of day? (i'm going to go for 3a.m.)

1 comment:

  1. 3 AM? You need serious help!I'm going with naptime...which never seems to fall on an exact time.
