Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love > Math

Picked up the kids from school today. I got mistaken for a high schooler...again. Amy was texting me telling me she was having a bad day. So I took Zach and Ashley to Sonic and got Amy a drink and surprised her with it. We stayed there for a while and talked. Then we went back to Zach and Ashley's house to get Zach's cell phone and let the dog out. Then we went all the way back to my house. I fed the kids. And then Ashley kept complaining of a really bad headache. We only had tylenol in pill form. So I had to crush a pill and put it in applesauce. Then when Ashley was complaining of the taste I was like "Look it couldn't be nearly as bad as the liquid stuff that you're used to." She glowered at me (yes glowered) and said "Well you try it then." I rolled my eyes and shoved a mouthful of tylenol apple sauce in my mouth. And let me tell you, the liquid shit is actually better. But either way I got her to finish it and her headache went away enough for us to continue her math homework. Which I had to help her with. And it was hard. It was hard because I hadn't done math in years. And because I honestly had no idea what the teacher wanted. The directions were so full of fail. I was able to help her but by the time it was over I was the one with the headache and considering eating more of that disgusting tylenol apple sauce.

I really feel like a Mom around Zach and Ashley. Not a older sibling, not a Aunt, a Mom. And there is nothing wrong with this. I do and always have wanted to a Mom. I have no problem taking care of the kids. But I do feel like I am the only one that notices all the things I do for them. I don't even know if the kids appreciate it. I feel like they don't. I invited both of them to spend the night with me Friday night. Rock band for Zach and renting the new Tinkerbell movie for Ashley, and Pizza for both of them and sleeping on my new sofa bed loft. But they declined because they would rather spend the night with friends. I said it didn't bother me. I said it was all good and was just a suggestion. But I can't help but feel the sting of rejection that my niece and nephew would rather spend the night with smelly kids (nobody their age knows how to use D.O. for their B.O.) rather than a night with their awesome aunt. Or maybe they DO realize I am like a Mom to them and that's why I am therefore no longer cool and they don't want to spend the night with me. Huh.. just now thought of this. Bummer.

Anyway, the main theme of today is FUCK MATH. I HATE YOU. So on that note go to www.funnyexam.com it is hilarious. It makes me want to go find some of my funny exams. I did have several. I'm an artist and a smartass after all. Most of them had to do with Power Rangers or Star Wars. But they were funny nonetheless.

Picture of the day is the paper I used to try and work out the problems before helping Ashley to make sure I had it right. And our two drinks we drank through the whole hour and half ordeal. There is eraser crap all on my floooooor!!!

Moral of the story is love is greater than math. Because if it wasn't..I wouldn't have helped her at all. I would have simply said "Look Ashley, your Dad is a teacher. He was the one that taught ME math. So why don't you just wait. Let's play Rock Band instead!" But I didn't. I was a good MOM!

I went to Hasting's after they left. I bought a used paperback version of New Moon and Eclipse. Now people can borrow it from me freely. Since I'm making EVERYBODY I know read them. I think its only fair I have copies to give out for it. /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Alan: "I love you I love you I love you"
Me: "I love you too."
Alan: "So one love from a Toby is equal to 3 loves from an Alan?"
Me: "Yes."
Alan: "I see no problems here."

Me: "Idk I'm kinda sick of Jacob..(aka peanut butter.)"
Angela: "Ok! Carmel!"
Me: "Mmm yes Edward!"

Me: "Speaking of things I hate most in life. The show Rosanne is one of those things."

Timmy: "I miss all your cuteness."

Timmy: "You two look good. Especially his hair."
Me: "I'm starting to get jealous of the bouffant. Nobody seems to notice me when I'm next to it. And my hair even took longer I think."

Question of the day:
Your worst subject in school? (We all already know mine was math and still is apparently.)

1 comment:

  1. my worst subject was Math also...

    and YES> your hair did take twice as long as his... and probably just as much if not more product!

    SOooo what are the cookies for tonight going to be???
