Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gonna snap

Since I feel like I'm going to snap. What better cookie to make than ginger snaps? I feel like every day lately is just me getting closer and closer to an epic nervous breakdown. But maybe that's a bit dramatic. But probably not. I feel like only certain people keep me sane. And others threaten to steal my sanity. Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off alone like I used to be. I used to only talk to Patty and that was it. There was nobody else. Ever. And I was pretty sane. Sure really horrible social skills but still sane. Unlike now I still have lack of social skills and I'm insane! Ahhh whatever.

I've discovered that the electric mixer Amy gave my mom is actually fucking brilliant! I was scared to use it for the longest time. Then today I starred it down for a while and was like "fuck it" and tried it out. Its amazing. I just throw shit in the bowl while its still doing its thing blending. And it just keeps going on its own without me having to do anything until its all blended. Its godlike I tell you! And as I was waiting for the mixer to blend one of my eggs I looked at the other egg that would eventually meet its doom..and that's when I got the brilliant idea that is picture number 2. Yes, my eggs fear me. They have every reason to after all..they will always become cookies. Its just a matter of time. /evil laugh

I heard the song Headstrong on my way home tonight from Wild Cat night. Do you remember that song? It was popular along time ago. That was the first song that was ever "dedicated" to me. And it was dedicated by a friend who told me I was the most headstrong person he had ever met. /shrug

Okay, I know a lot of people who are using twitter. And I gotta say I will probably never be one of those people. But if I ever do get an account it will be for one reason, nay, one person. And that person is Peter Facinelli. Because I think he is amazing and I saw this picture today and it was apparently from his twitter account. So here is the pic and the caption that he "tweeted" with the picture. -

Broke down and got a Bluetooth. Comes w/ free service, but I hate these things. They always make u look so dorky.

Tell me that isn't fucking brilliant. Go on, do it, see what happens to your disco stick or muffin. It will become well acquainted with my foot.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Part of my horoscope: You have a few serious responsibilities to deal with before you cover yourself with chocolate sauce and run through the streets naked."
Me: "Well shit. I guess we can't do that friday then. /snaps fingers in disappointment"
Angela: "No. That's todays... If I handle my responsibilities... Then I CAN run around naked in chocolate sauce!"
Me: "Its a date then! /winks"
Angela: "I'm so glad we're dating now! I've waited for so long... /winks back!"
Me: "Dude. I'm no Lady Gaga but I think its clear if anybody was to be your lesbo lover it would be me."
Angela: "Absofuckinglutely!"

JoJo: "My gay guy > yours lol"

Me: "My eggs fear me."
Alan: "I needed that egg..."
Me: "Best response so far."

Me: "If I wasn't slightly suspicious that JoJo might be gay.. I could be madly in love with him. Then again I always have a thing for gay guys.."

Question of the day:
Have you ever had a song dedicated to you? If so what song?

1 comment:

  1. is it ok that i blushed while reading the first quote of the day? wow. we're really close now, huh?

    btw... Innnnnnnnnappprrrooooopriaaate!
