Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Edible Edwards

So last night I didn't know what I was in the mood for today at all. I asked Angela what kinda cookies I should make. And she suggested chocolate and peanut butter. But I am just so sick of Jacob (aka Peanut Butter) so I went with Carmel (aka Edward!) Yay for Edward cookies! He is chocolate (every girl's dream) but a pale one! He has a smooth, sexy, sweet, carmel center! And he sparkles with sugar! Woot! What more could a girl ask for? Its everything you want in a cookie! And a boy. Mmmm yeah I went there. Everybody enjoys Edward cookies. Angela made an "O" face. And Amy's exact words were "Mmm.. OH! That surprised me!"

So I baked my cookies and then Mom and Dad got in a fight over something stupid and I was like "Yeah..I'm totally leaving." So I texted Angela and I went to her house early. Que was there making homemade pizza. Which was really good. But it would have been better if he hadn't parked in MY spot. /huffs and folds arms

I do like Que though. I just wish he'd stop hurting Angela. It was fun tonight though. Even though I was forced to watch some parts of a movie called Top Gun with Tom Cruise. I hate that man more than most people. He is just the worst celebrity. He can't act. He isn't hot. He is a freak. He is a douche. The only thing he did right in life was make a cute kid. And that was only partly him. And I heard she was a brat anyway. /shrug

I didn't have time to eat any of my own cookies today. And I just had a bite and wow. Edward is good. He is very good. Speaking of very good. I stepped out of the shower today and put on my favorite pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I realized not only did I NOT have to shimmy into my jeans but my butt looks bigger in them! I have never had much of a butt, and these jeans didn't even give the illusion that I had a butt, unlike all of my skinny jeans. But these jeans are just comfy. But now they are comfy AND make my butt look big! Maybe even because it is getting bigger! I can only hope. Either so made my day to just look at my butt in the mirror. Yeah, I said it. You heard it. Lets move on.

This guy in my guild in WoW is really annoying and immature. And I can't stand him. So every time he talks I try to say something to make him look stupid or feel stupid. He is really arrogant. And I think he is also sexist. But anyway. This is what just happened and it cracked me up -

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Bow chicka bow wow chicka bow wow chicka chicka."
Angela: "Doubt that."
Me: "Perhaps just bow wow since he is a werewolf."

JoJo: "WTH? It's a GIRL party. Is he gay?"

Me: "My ass is fun sized apparently. And I'm extremely okay with this."

Me: "Bella here. Home safe. Checking in with Alice. Over.
Angela: "10-4 Bella. This is Alice... I read you good buddy. Over."

Angela: "Isn't he adorable?"
Me: "For a werewolf yeah."

Angela: "Oooo you kickled me!"
Me: "She is kicklish right there!"

Me: "Angela, Edward just made you orgasm."

Amy: "Mmm.. OH! That surprised me!"
Angela: "She got to the creamy center!"

Me: "My hair smells glorious and I just now realized."

Question of the day:
What is your most used website? (I just realized for me its Google, how lame am I..)

1 comment:

  1. OMG too much to say... too much to say...

    first. those were the bad assest... baddest ass... how do you say the most bad ass cookies EVER!! i truly want more immediately... someone ATE mine. I did eat one in bed Thursday morning because I was starving and Que wouldn't let me get up long enough to eat!

    and next again... you were TOTALLY right about the bow... chicka... bowwwwww wowww! (WHEW!) I lost more hashbrown toppings yesterday... my scrupples are that much more shallow!!!

    also. I am pretty sure that my most used web address would be google also... and I kinda want to take credit for it being yours as well.

    and next, if I must then I will... and that is CONFIRM how abso-frickin'-lutely accurate you are by saying that those jeans made your butt look cute. Excuse me for my lesbian moment, but I do remember being the one who POINTED that out to the crowd gathered in my living room... yeah, that was me... it was cuteness!

    and dang it if your quotes of the day weren't the absolute best ever also. Maybe I'm just having a great couple of days, who knows.
