Monday, November 2, 2009

I love love me..

This is my new loft. It is higher than my old loft. I hit my head sometimes. If my fan is on it could be dangerous. I can't jump down from my loft like I normally do. And every time I move the loft moves with me. I don't like the ladder. But its hard to get up without the ladder. So right now I have to put my right food on my windowsill then my left food on the photuan under the loft then swing my right food over the metal bars on the loft. And that's how I can get up. Getting down is another story. I pretty much just stretch my body out until i can reach my windowsill. Its not pleasant. But other than that it looks nice right? Yeah.. I am missing my haunted loft a bit. Samantha I know you might have more fun in a house with kids your own age but seriously..that loft is so much more sturdy, no wonder you like it!

Okay so, I had people tell me they love me today without me having to say it first. It made me happy. Those people were - Kim, Stacy, Angela, Alan (more than once), Jojo and last but certainly not least Patty! /big goofy grin I am feeling loved!

Back to my book now. You know..Edward and Bella's favorite apparently. SERIOUSLY ITS BOTHERING ME THAT IT SAYS ITS EDWARD'S FAVORITE!

Me: "But seriously his crotch is glorious right there and the plaid peacoat is what i want my peacoat to be when it grows up."

Me: "If you know me at all you should know I never ignore my heart, even when everybody I know is telling me not to be with somebody but my heart is telling me differently."
Me: "And even when the people turn out to be right and the guy is a douche."
Me: "So even if my heart is the most retarded."
Me: "I still listen to it."
Me: "Fuck.. I am like Bella."

JoJo: "Do you think I'm gay?"
Me: "No gay guys are nice."
JoJo: "LOL touche."

Angela: "I used to be love drunk but now I'm hungover!"
Me: "Love is forever forever is over we used to kiss all night now its just a barfight."
Angela: "Hahahahahaha."
Me: "What? Was I totally wrong?"
Angela: "Absolutely right!"
Me: "Epic."

Me: "Ewan actually whips it out alot."

Me: "Lets make a club. Call it Ewan's lightsaber."

Me: "I don't care what we do as long as it gets my mind off Patty and Alan."
JoJo: "Hawt (evil grin)"
Me: "Stop it stop being a guy for just a few minutes. Just pretend you have a vagina."
JoJo: "If I had a vagina I'd never leave home."

Alan: "I love you more than video games!"
Me: "That's probably the highest compliment any gamer girl could receive."

Patty: "I love you night."

Question of the day:
Your favorite book and or book series? (I'm tied between Jedi Apprentice series and Twilight Saga)

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