Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tis the season

I MISS JOSEPH! Sigh. I went to Wal-Mart today and I did a lil happy dance in the middle of the store when I saw this isle (the picture above.) It's a whole friggin isle of Christmas cookie stuff. Yeah, I flipped. I'm excited about baking cookies for Christmas.

But not nearly as excited as I am for NEW MOON! This thursday! YEAH! Can't wait! Okay, nothing exciting happened today. Seriously. The only exciting thing was I talked to Cynthia and Angela on the phone. Cynthia is going to be down here visiting next week. She is going to be here for Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll get to see her this time. Because I wasn't able to last time.

I bought part of JoJo's Christmas gift today. Its hard to pick out a gift for a guy that can buy whatever he wants. /shrug I still have to find a gift for Ashley, Zach, Cynthia, John and Angela. I might be missing some people.. I've had Patty's gift for months though.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "John Mayer is worse than Nickleback."
Angela: "He's bad not worse."
Me: "Mmm..I think worse. Lyric wise."
Angela: "Does he do that... Your body is a wonderland....shitty song?"
Me: "Yes."
Angela: "Ok. You win."

Me: "Tis the season to be naughty fa la la la la la la la!"

Me: "YES! That was my goal for today! DONE!!!!!!!"

JoJo: "Cheerleaders... You need one of these outfits."
Me: "They are whores."

Me: "You guys are like bffs now."
Alan: "We've had 2 conversations, but I imagine being bff's with Angela wouldn't be nothin to sneeze at."
Me: "This is a correct assumption."
Me: "I am okay with my besties being besties as long as they both know I'm the bestest...I think you see where i'm going with this."

Alan: "I'll do that then."
Me: "Look Alan..look..just make sure your bouffant is looking good that's ALL you have to do...EVER."

Me: "Speaking of bouffant's I never noticed that Ewan's hair is exactly like Robert Pattinson's only cleaner. Until I watched him on the late late show. But I guess since Robert Pattinson got the hair idea for Edward from James Dean and Ewan McGreggor is just a better version of James all makes sense.."

Alan: "So I tried not washing my hair for two weeks."
Me: "Seriously? So you just...were Robert Pattinson for two weeks? How did that work out? Did you just wake up and look in the mirror and say "Yeah..this hair style will do." And get tons of fans?"
Alan: "It looked swell but I felt awful."

Question of the day:

Pumpkin pie or Apple pie? (I'm thinkin Pumpkin!)

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