Saturday, November 14, 2009

Naughty List

I don't even wanna talk about my day it was just bad. I wish I spent my whole day at Angela's watching Trueblood. That's all I wanted to do. But noooo. BLEH. Don't wanna even think about it. So I needed a break so I went to Hastings, I figure I won't be able to go there as much once I move..might as well get my fill. /pout

While I was there I had the most outrageous thing happen! Some guy GRABBED my ass! Yeah, that's right he grabbed it. I was in total shock. I reacted before I even fully understood what just happened. I slapped him on the face. Then we both starred at each other for a minute in shock. And then I got completely angry and embarrassed and just knocked all the stuff he was carrying out of his hand then stormed away. No words were exchanged at all. But I at least did wipe the smug smile off his face. I was so angry and embarrassed and just well shocked, that I honestly thought I was going to cry. Because I always cry when I get angry /rolls eyes I mean come on, I hate when guys touch me and it always gives me an instant panic attack. But a random guy I have never met or anything? Grabbing my ass? UH NO THANKS! I am not going to be talking about this.."matter" anymore than this though. Please don't bring it up again. At least not in person. I will probably freak out all over again.

Well after that..happened I stormed over to the check out and paid for my movie and then left. I came home and watched the movie "The Ugly Truth." How ironic that the movie is about a sweet, innocent girl who just wants to be in love and a perverted, douchebag, asshole guy who just wants to fuck tons of girls. It was funny but it seriously made me realize, all guys are douchebags, even the ones that do fall in love with girls. That guy kinda reminded me of JoJo just a bit. But that's highly offensive to him. So I take it back. Its just some of his lines seemed like things JoJo would say. Perhaps its just because I miss him since he is on a trip and won't be back until monday. /pout

The picture of the day is at Hastings while I was waiting in line to check out. Only minutes after I was ass grabbed. I figured THIS is a moment I will never forget. THIS is the moment that really proved my day was shitty. THIS is the reason I don't like guys. And THIS is why I should take a picture RIGHT NOW. So I did. And trust me, it works well, because I know for a FACT that guy, is on the fucking naughty list. He better be anyway!

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "That's crazy. Do people just not respect personal space anymore?"
Me: "I guess not! Or I missed the memo that said ass grabbing is the new way to say "hi."

Me: "All guys are douchebags, I swear!"
Angela: "I know right!"

Me: "Girls just wanna have fun."
Me: "And the gays too."

Me: "Just saw the most amazing volvo!"
JoJo: "Volvo? You been in poison again?"

Question of the day:
Why are all guys douchebags?


  1. Amy.... you are right. Unfortunately... you must have gotten the only one that wasn't labeled DOUCHEBAG at birth.

    sorry for us...
