Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon: with my sister

NEW MOON WAS THE BEST MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD! Lori and Serena made fun of me for crying during the break up scene. But seriously.. I have only cried in ONE other movie. And it was Moulin Rouge. But with this movie I couldn't help it. It was heart breaking to watch. I could feel Bella's pain. I thought I was going to need my inhaler! I felt like Pat had broke up with me all over again.

There were alot more funny parts than I thought there would be. And it actually wasn't as painful to watch Jacob and Bella together as I thought it would be. They managed to sneak Edward in here and there which made it easier. And OH MY GOD! I just can't even talk about it because Angela and Amy haven't seen it yet. And I can't give anything away! But let me just say.. I could watch this movie over and over and over and never get sick of it at all. It was brilliant. CHRIS WIENZ IS A GENIUS!

I feel bad that Amy was sick and couldn't get to go. But its just another excuse for me to go again with her later!

I wore my dress and tons of people noticed and said stuff about it. It was great. I HAD SO MUCH FUN JUST WATCHING THE MOVIE! Though Serena and Lori were a bit clueless with alot of it. I can't wait to see it with Angela tomorrow! And the kids on saturday!

The line was from the door to the middle of the parking lot! But we managed to get in right away! SCORE!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Yeah, I'm just never listening to you about directions ever again. You are always wrong. And I'm always right."
Lori: "Bite me."
Me: "That's MY line!"

Random little girl before the movie: "Mommy look is that Bella!?" /pointing at me

Random chick after the movie: "HEY! I love your dress! That's so cute! You look just like Bella!"

Another random chick after the movie: "You're wearing her dress! Awesome where did you get it?"

Random little girl while walking to the car: "Look she looks just like Bella! Has her dress and bracelets and everything! That is so cool!"
(I love that everybody noticed after they saw it IN the movie. But ONE little 6 or 7 year old girl noticed BEFORE the movie.)

Serena: "You also have the whole pale thing going on."
Me: "Yeah, I was pale before pale was cool."

Me: "Aro scared the living crap out of me. I'm going to have nightmares of him and Jane and Victoria for the rest of my life."

Me: "I knew what was going to happen and I was still shocked and kept having emotional and physical responses to everything. That just proves how brilliantly done it was."

Me: "I kept thinking through the whole thing 'so that's where that song was..that fits..' And I totally called it about where Satellite Heart played. I knew it would play at that scene because that song made me cry the first time I heard it. Its like my heart knew what was going on."

Me: "Nice the only parking spot is next to the dumpster. At least we won't forget where I parked."

Question of the day:
How many times are you going to see this movie?


  1. alskdnlkfasdkvndklufiuydpaingd,a.ndfa;duy;azdkfna;hgkfngmf gs;dfjhgdfkmvnz;dckj a;jdflkja klgj


    i can't wait.

  2. Angela...was your comment in code?
