Monday, November 16, 2009

Down With Love

I watched the movie Down With Love today. I have owned it forever because it was given to me because it has Ewan McGreggor in it. Its a good movie. But honestly, I just want to watch one movie right now.. Just one movie. That shows at least one guy that is a total douchebag, AND he DOESN'T fall in love and get the girl. Because the only movies I have seen so far that has a typical male chauvinistic perverted leading role, he always ends up falling in love with the girl and getting her. And it ends all happy and is all like aww look at that! Douchebags can fall in love too! Yeah, whatever. That's all well and good but we know you ended it at the wrong moment and like 3 months later he went off and cheated on her or some shit. So that's what I want to see. I want to see some movie with this typical douchebag male, but either ISN'T capable of falling in love and getting the girl. OR he somehow "pretends" he is capable only to get the girl then later cheat on her. Is that too much to ask for? Is it really? Come on Hollywood. You have done more twisted shit than that.

JoJo is back! I'm so happy! And tomorrow I hope to get carpet for the apartment. /crosses fingers

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I used to be SO COOL."
Alan: "Now you're somewhat godlike."
Me: "But what I'm really aiming cooly godlike."

Me: "I think I might have had swine flu for the past couple of days and its just now starting to go away."
Patty: "You got bit by a pig!"
Me: "Yeah.. You."

Angela: "Now Alan has witnessed the power that is.... Alice."
Me: "Its a brilliant thing to witness."

Angela: "Ironic... You're going to watch the Jake movie with your Jake!"
Me: "That IS ironic.."
Angela: "What about me... I get to bring 'I always look like I'm in pain' Marq! Irooooooonic!"
Me: "Oh yes, this will be truly enjoyable."

Me: "Night Jacob."
Alan: "So long Bella."

JoJo: "So if I got you a cheerleader outfit would you cheer for me?"
JoJo: "Vampires love cheerleaders!"

JoJo: "You're a good girl...and I love ya for it :)"
Me: "I feel like I missed something of some grand importance."

Question of the day:
Favorite sport? TO PLAY not watch.


  1. Favorite sport to play, volleyball. (and to watch also if it's on Top Gun)

  2. uh! i was going to say Volleyball too. I love to play volleyball... and softball. we need to get a good game of volleyball together sometime!
