Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Hidden Past

Today I was lazy. It IS Sunday though. I think I'm allowed to be. However I did find these old pictures as I was sort kinda starting to go through my room. I got a.d.d. and frustrated though and gave up and went back to being lazy. But I did find it pretty funny that I found these pictures of me as a kid. Especially since I had just told Angela that when I was little I dressed myself and I came up with some weird outfits. One being rainbow socks as gloves. And I totally found the picture! Bahahaha. The sad thing sense of style has not improved over the years. Bleh! Oh and in the other picture. That's me and my old dog, its either Jenna or Penny, I think that's Jenna though. Both Penny and Jenna look the same. But Jenna had more black. Oh and..that smile I'm giving in the rainbow sock pic....priceless. Cynthia calls that smile of mine the "chin" smile. And somebody I forget who, recently pointed somebody else doing the same smile. Who was it? Oh I know Kristen Stewart does that same smile sometimes. I invented it first though. Proof in the pic, yo.

It was ironic that I had a random need to read the Star Wars book "The Hidden Past." And then found a bunch of childhook pictures INSIDE of the book. The last time I read that book I was like literally 12 years old or younger. So those pictures have just been hidden in there the whole time. Wonder what made me put them there. The title maybe? /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Brb keep typing but I hear Edward in the other room."
Patty: "Who the fuck is Edward and why is he in your house?"

Me: "Pecan pie is ok."
Timmy: "Psh you're ok!"
Me: "Aw thanks!"
Timmy: "Lol. No Toby! That was supposed to be bad because you're way more than ok!"

Me: "Mmm I got a snack."
JoJo: "GIMME!"
Me: "No! Its my ding dong!"
JoJo: "I'll let you play with mine if you let me have yours."
Me: "If you have one why do you want mine?"
Me: "Ohhh...ew."

Me: "Sometimes I wonder if he'd even notice."
Me: "I think he would but it would take too long."
Me: "I'm fucking stupid."
Me: "Fucking stupid lamb."

Question of the day:
Nickelodean, Disney or Cartoon Network?


  1. i'm not able to answer the question of the day because i channel surf for my cartoons and never actually notice which one i'm on when i finally settle for one that will inevitably make me laugh.

    and i love the toe sock gloves- classic!

  2. I would choose disney for cartoons, but the boys would probably go with Cartoon Network. I enjoyed the pics :)
