Thursday, November 26, 2009

Uneventful Thanksgiving

I woke up today at 9AM. I watched the parade while talking on the phone with JoJo. It was the only good part of my day. The rest was spent being bored, being lonely and being bored. I even fell asleep from being too bored. The meal was good, but honestly, Thanksgiving is more than food. So its depressing to me that food was one of the highlights of today. I'm going to be glad the Lori and Amy will be home for Christmas. Because this blowed.

Okay so instead of listing everything I'm thankful for which would take all day. I'm going to list the things/people I'm thankful for TODAY. (Meaning the people that made me happy today.)

/clears throat -

Yep, six people and a dog. But especially JoJo. He kept me from going insane from lonelyness.

P.s. People who are getting a divorce shouldn't have Thanksgiving dinner together. It's fucking awkward. I took my dinner to my room it was so awkward. I yelled "DONE" after a couple of minutes and ran away with a plate of turkey. True story.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Omg paper cut! Where's Jasper?"
Me: "Ohhhhh shiiiiiiit!"

Me: "She thinks you're my..sugar daddy."
JoJo: /cracks up laughing "That's priceless."
Me: "That's not funny!"
JoJo: "That made my day."

Me: "You're Indian?"
JoJo: "Cherokee. Echotan Cherokee."
Me: "Lol!!! Ew you're a werewolf!"
Me: "I'm telling Angela you're a werewolf. She'll like you more."

JoJo: "Sugardaddy wants to know how his sugarbaby is."

Me: "Happy Thanksgiving Patty!!!"
Patty: "You too, squirt."
Me: "How has your Thanksgiving been?"
Patty: "I cut my thumb, but its okay I suppose."
Me: "So THAT'S where Jasper was. No wonder he didn't show up at Angela's."
Patty: "What?"
Me: "Oh..nothin. Put a band-aid on that shit."

Question of the day:
What are you thankful for today?


  1. ok. so did you tell Jojo what i actually said when you told me what he was? that would have been equally priceless i'm sure....

    and NOW we know... i was safer than Patty this Thanksgiving...

    AND.... to make you feel better i guess. this thanksgiving blew smoke for me too. i was seriously depressed afterward. i talked to my sister about, "how we have let our family get this bad". i mean, it was quite literally like this... we all ate at different times. no one really liked half the food. my bro and his family were there for a total of 30 mins and their baby is really getting mean... i mean, he just walks up and hits EVERYONE in the face. (he just turned one this fall) :-( seriously sad. seriously.

    i don't even want to do Christmas now.

  2. oh. i'm sorry. i didn't tell you what i was thankful for today.

    You of course. (and you totally should have gone with me)

    Austin got to come home early and stay the night with me.

    i ate Brie.

    Que texted me some and that was nice. I like knowing that he's thinking of me.

    i'm grateful that i still have my own life and i do not need to rely on anyone to help me with anything. i know that sounds horrible... but i don't mean it too.

  3. I'm thankful that there are certain people that I can always count on no matter what. Love you!
