Sunday, November 29, 2009

When it rains it pours

All I did all day pretty much was lay around. I am just in such a bad mood. I'm so depressed. I don't even fully know why. I just don't care about anything. I just hate everything. I just don't want to do anything or eat anything. I just want to lay around and be sad. I don't know why. But it seems logical enough. Especially since it rained tonight alot. I literally just laid on my loft and watched and listened to the storm outside. I didn't feel like reading or even really watching t.v. or being online. I just didn't want to DO anything today. So the picture of the day is just me laying down listening to the rain. OOOO creative right? Yeah I know. Amy was seriously the only person I really talked to today. Everybody else who texted me I was just kinda BLEH. And Jojo wasn't feeling good anyway. Angela didn't text me today she must be busy or something. Okay back to listening to the rain and or going to bed early.

Quotes of the day:
Amy: "How are we suppose to do that. You're getting too creative for me."

Me: "Sucks for you."
Amy: "Thanks for the heart felt sympathy."
Me: "No problem."

Me: "I hate EVERYTHING right now."

Question of the day:
Why can't Arkansas just fucking snow for once?