Thursday, November 5, 2009

Remember Remember the 5th of November

Well..we now have a deposit on an apartment. The lease starts December 1st. I have mixed feelings. At first I thought this is what I wanted and I was just waiting for this news so I could be excited. But alas, I have the news and I am not excited. I am going to miss this house. This street. The silence. The animals. The privacy. The seclusion. I am just not a city girl. And I don't want to be. I can't sleep with the sounds of people and cars outside. I need coyotes, I need crickets, I need lots of trees and sky full of stars and a big moon with no city lights blocking it. I need random forest animals and a gravel road! I need a house in the middle of nowhere so I can go outside in boxers and a t-shirt and know nobody will see me! I need this house. This house I grew up in. I don't know if I can do this..

Especially since the two things I looked forward to was moving closer to my family. And getting a back door in my room so I could come and go as I please without annoying Mom or Mom annoying me. Well, the apartment she got doesn't have a back door in either of the bedrooms like the ones we saw. The back door is in the kitchen. SIGH. And the apartment DOESN'T allow pets. They used to but now they don't want to allow pets anymore. So not only will I be saying goodbye to this house but I'll be saying goodbye to both Rogue and Karebear. I really wanted a last Christmas here too.. Bleh..

Sigh. I spent all day reading and just generally being stressed out and depressed. I eventually decided I needed to be cheered up and thought "Hey..didn't I just rent a Robert Pattinson movie the other day?" So I put it on and..let me tell you. Just because a hot guy is in a movie.. Doesn't mean its a good movie. Some made for t.v. movies should just stay made for t.v. movies. The only good thing about this movie was that Robert Pattinson was really good in it. And looked really good in it. But the movie was just weird. I still can't figure it out. Plus, I don't know how I missed the fact that this "suspense" movie had SPIDERS in it. Robert Pattinson plays a boy named Toby who is scared of spiders (among other things) and was crippled by an accident in the War and sent to a special place to help him. First of all, his name is Toby and he is scared of spiders. Okay, irony! But seriously I still can't decide if he just went completely insane in the movie, or if the Dr. at the place was giving him drugs that were making him see and do all this weird shit. Seriously! I watched the whole movie and paid close attention and I still don't know! But the ending was insane! I literally jumped up and went "WHAAAAAT???" Yeah, you can see the mental picture of me doing that. I know you can. So all that being said final Toby rating for this movie -

And the only reason it gets that is because of Robert Pattinson's hotness and good acting, and the fact that RPatz name was Toby and he feared spiders. Me too, Rob. Meeee tooooo.

After that I realized the movie was suppose to be returned today so I went to Hastings and also bought a new book with my left over gas money. I won't be needing gas money again until next week anyway. /shrug I got Romeo and Juliet (my favorite!) with the famous Twilight inspired cover. Woot! While I was looking at books I saw a random black guy who kept talking to himself. I thought he was on the phone for a minute there until I realized there was nothing but earrings on his ear. Then I was suddenly disturbed and it was like a bad t.v. show that you can't bring yourself to change. I watched him walk by this huge stand of New Moon and Twilight merchandise. He then stopped dead in his tracks, looked wide-eyed at all the stuff and yelled "THIS THE SHIT!" I cannot tell a lie, this was an awesome moment. I gave him a thumbs up and grinned really big. He nodded at me and went about his business of talking to himself, but only after he grabbed a Edward Cullen bookmark. Oh random yelling black guy, you are my hero.

Speaking of heroes. JoJo, I love him so. He bought me two new pets in WoW. They costed 10 dollars each and I was telling him how I was gonna save up for them because they are awesome as helllll. And then an hour later he told me to check my email. And there in my inbox was a email titled "Your wish" and I opened it to find both of the pet codes along with a "Love you :)" note! And they are too awesome for words. It was the sweetest thing. It made my day. Here is a video of the panda pet and a picture of the other one who laughs evily sometimes -

I love my JoJo. He made my day. /in true southern sookie accent And he is just as sweet as the dickens!

Now this blog is long. I shall leave you with this video I made myself a couple of years ago. Because today is November 5th. And its appropriate.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "He confuses me. But so do all guys. They never make sense. And all my free time is spent trying to figure them out. Just so they can do something crazy that is completely illogical."

Me: "Remember remember the 5th of november. The gun powder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot."

Random yelling black guy: "THIS THE SHIT!"

Me: "I was like going to make myself something to eat.. Then I a.d.d.ed and started playing with Rogue and Karebear.. Then I a.d.d.ed on that when I saw that my Rock Band was scattered all over the living room. So I put it together and I was going to play it.. And then I realized it was about the time you would be getting off work and you would probably be online! So then I ran back here and you were on so I said Hi. But you didn't answer and I realized the movies were due back. So I went to return them and forgot to put up an away message. And then I started reading my book and it got really addictive. And now I just a.d.d.ed and forgot the point to this story. This is so long and retarded I should save this."

Question of the day:
Favorite classic book? (BETTER BE ROMEO AND JULIET!)

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