Monday, November 9, 2009

Jesus is the light

Today I attempted to go through my clothes. I failed miserably. I eventually gave up and read and texted people. I then went to Hastings. Where I saw a cute guy starring at me. He then proceeded to come to me and say "I couldn't help but smell delicious." Look I know to normal people this would be either a really lame pick up line, or a creepy stalkerish pick up line. And okay maybe it was kinda both. But to somebody who is a vampire freak like me I found it highly amusing! I still giggle when I think about it. Plus, I have never been told I smell good before. Its a nice compliment I think! /shrug

I went to Angela's house after and I watched her play on her computer for a couple of hours (highly amusing shit!) Then we watched an episode of Trueblood. I would have liked to watch more but I was tired and hungry and it was getting late. I went home, changed into my fuzzy tinkerbell pjs and raided the fridge only to find NOTHING. I then complained to my mom about there being no food. To which she replied "Yeah I wish we had pie or something too." I said I wished we had hashbrowns then thought, Hey..Waffle House has both of those things! Hm! Of course I am a random kinda person and going out to Waffle House randomly at 11 at night is no more odd than going to Wal-Mart late at night. I mean I am convinced Wal-Mart and Waffle House stay open all night long specifically for people like me. So why not go? I mean they are open for me! Either that or for vampires and people with rare skin diseases who can't come out during the light of day. Either way I convince my mom to go to Waffle House with me. Even though, she is not as random as I. And no, I didn't see the point in changing back into everyday clothes. Its Arkansas, and its Waffle House, half those people don't even have teeth I highly doubt they will be offended by my tinkerbell pjs and peacoat.

After I was full on waffles and eggs I went home and played WoW with my JoJo. And now I'm going to read a bit before going to bed. But before I go I need to explain the pictures. Okay, so the first one is me (OMG NO WAI!) in my new shirt that I got for 5 dollars at a Christian book store. It says "Jesus is the light of the world because of Him you can live forever" and on the back it says "Team Jesus" and has John 3:16 on it which is my favorite Bible verse! I love it. Its a bit big but it works for a bum shirt and a sleep shirt. And I would like to point out that my eyes are green today. I don't know why I didn't drink any alcohol, but I'm going to assume it was the pot of coffee I drank at Waffle House. Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood. /shrug I'd also like to point out that Alan said after seeing this pic "omg you look so christian!" Huh, I hope I look Christian in all my pics even if I'm not wearing a Christian shirt. But he said my hair also looked really catholic and I had an innocent smile. Huh. Okay. Weird. Because JoJo said after seeing this pic that I had a devious smile. Innocently devious perhaps? /shrug
You decide.

The picture below is my new desktop background that I made. I am now ready for New Moon on the 19th. My firefox has the "stupid lamb" theme. My Google page has a picture of Bella Swan laying on top of a shirtless Edward Cullen. My cell phone of course has a sexy pic of Edward Cullen. And now my desktop is also proudly displaying New Moon now with this pic! And it makes me sad every time I roll over in bed and look at it. So I think it serves its purpose. Depression, loneliness, heartbroken, I feel ya Bells, I feel ya. And I'm so ready to watch this moviiiiieeee! In case you have poor eye sight (and are too lazy to just CLICK IT FOR FULL VIEW) it says -
"The absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest."

Me: "Edward Cullen would make a good lawyer."
Angela: "Why do you say that?"
Me: "Because lawyers and shrinks are the biggest mindfuckers. He could be a good shrink too."
Me: "What better shrink/lawyer than a mind reading mindfucker?"

Alan: "They say the devil's water it ain't so sweet, but you don't have to drink right now."
Me: "But I'm thirsty."

Random guy at Hastings: "I couldn't help but notice you smell delicious!"

Me: "Word verification - eidsirhc. Die chris backwards!!!!!????"
Angela: "Hahhahaha omg! How did you see that?! You're cryptic!"
Me: "Apparently haha."
Angela: "I'm seriously amazed!"

Me: "I'm at waffle house in my tinkerbell fuzzy pjs."
JoJo: "Hawt."

Question of the day:
Best song as of right now? (I vote Satellite Heart!)

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