Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today Amy came over with the kids. And we went to Biglots and Wal-Mart. We got an angel off the angel tree. She is four years old and her name is Jaylen. In case you don't know what the angel tree foundation is.. It is a foundation run by the Salvation Army to help needy children have gifts to open on Christmas. I love it! I do it every year. Last year (actually I think the last two years) I've had a boy. So this year I got a girl. And i'm so excited. I can't wait to spoil this kid. Giving people gifts is the best part of Christmas. Especially if they are kids. Needy or not. I love it!

We had KFC for dinner. Its the only chicken I can stand to eat. My guess is..because its not really chicken. I bet you its like..beef pretending to be chicken. Who knows.

Okay so I was watching Star Trek The Next Generation randomly on t.v. And all I have to say is.. OH MY GOD. Lt Commander Data is NOT an android at all! HE IS A FRIGGIN VAMPIRE DISGUISED AS A ANDROID! Proof in the picture below.

Note his GOLDEN eyes and PALE WHITE skin. And even though you obviously can't touch him from a picture..I'm guessing he is cold as well. Good try "LT COMMANDER DATA" good try. But you just can't fool me. I *am* a vampire myself afterall. Enough with your tom foolery!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Just saw an interview with Rpatz. They asked him what his favorite cookie type was and he said white chocolate chip. I smell a new recipe!"

Angela: "Aaaaaaaiiiiiggggghhhhh nickleback AGAIN!"
Me: "Lol wow. Bad music day I guess."

Angela: "Titles are one of my favorite parts of writing."
Me: "I know right!"

Me: "I didn't know Tom Cruise invented the hover round. I might have to reconsider the whole scientology thing then. Not really though. I disliked shrinks before scientologists."

Adam: "That's a boy!"
Amy: "No its a girl. A girl that wants pirate stuff for Christmas."
Adam: "That's silly!"

Me: "Daniel, you just killed Padme."
Adam: "Yeah he kills all the girls because he doesn't like them."
Daniel: /shaking his head furiously "I like girls!"

Me: "Oh my gosh you can buy a snuggie for your dog now! That's crazy! Dogs can't read books!"

Question of the day:
What the name of your angel tree kid? (If you don't have one this just means you have to get one now.)

1 comment:

  1. so i totally need to get my Angel for this year... and i HAVE to tell you... yesterday when i picked up MLJMT from the sitter... he says. "What took you so long? I was getting tired of having to pretend to be human around the humans!".... (AKA: vampire) Thanks Karen... he's officially converted!
