Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monster Mash

I don't feel like talking much today. But this picture is Karebear's lil toy monster named Mash (get it??) She was playing with it today and left it in my room. And although its annoying to trip over toys full of drool, if we end up moving without her.. I'm going to miss them just as much as I will miss the cat prints all over my car. =[

I'm so stressed ooooouuuut. Sigh.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: /after listening to a Lady Gaga song "That girl is crazy!"
Me: "Crazy awesome!"
Mom: "No crazy insane."
Me: "No more than any other artist."
Mom: "This is true."

JoJo: "I'm a heterosexual man whore."

Me: "Dude, when does that fundraiser shit finally come in! I wantz my bakin stuffz."
Angela: "Today! Its in my kitchen now!"
Me: "Woah. As Austin would say... Alice moment!"

Question of the day:
Should I cut my hair real short? HMMMM....

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