Friday, November 13, 2009

Chinese Trueblood

Had to babysit for a short time today. I picked them up from school and took them to the new apartment which we are moving into tomorrow. Or we are at least gonna start moving into tomorrow. That is after I went to Sonic for happy hour, of course. Then I stayed at their house until Angela got home and then went over there. We then both went to Knights and to get Chinese food. We then watched some very disturbing Trueblood episodes. Man, I love that show but I am also extremely traumatized by it. I might have nightmares tonight. And not from the violent parts either!

I have to get up early. So yeah, the pictures of the day - first one is Ashley (she is so stylish /points to converse!) modeling my soon to be new room. Its not much bigger than it looks.. Okay its a bit bigger than my current room I guess maybe. But I hate the wood floors..and I don't know. BLEH. So not excited about this apartment. The second picture is Angela and I's chinese food. Notice, that two dragons are making out on the box. Yeah. On that note. NIGHT!

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "Do I need to convert you to a vampire for you to be happy?"
Me: "Yes."

JoJo: "Old spice... O.M.G."

Ashley: /in front of her friends "Thanks I love you."

(I can't remember anymore quotes, yeah fail.)

Question of the day:
Why are there chinese (screw you red underline, I'm not gonna capitalize the "C" in chinese!) restaurants that don't give fortune cookies?

1 comment:

  1. to answer your question, i hypothesize that the fortune cookie is a bonus for actually eating IN the restaurant. that one only gives them if you eat there. weird i know.

    damn... this better be a kick A word verification... i'm tired.
