Friday, November 27, 2009

Salty and non-salty

I was pretty much lazy all day until around 2ish. I went out with Cynthia. We went to Chili's and Hastings. It was fun. I bought her a random lil stuffed hamster keychain. And she bought me a drink and I bought us chips. Epic right? Yeah.. I then went home and continued to be lazy. I'm waiting for Jojo to get online but he is taking forever and i'm so tired and my head has been hurting all day. So I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake long enough. But anyway..the picture of the day is my car. You can tell from the tootsie roll air freshener. Tomorrow I'm going shopping with Angela and Jessica. Lori was suppose to go but she is going to spend time with the kids instead. I have so not been in the blogging mood lately. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.

Quotes of the day:
Cynthia: "I had the best Thanksgiving! How about you? How was yours?"
Me: "Epic fail."
Cynthia: "I got my mom saying that now."
Me: "Uber."
Cynthia: "That too."

JoJo: "I promise I'll never leave you :)"

Me: "We have..salty..and non-salty. We're good."
Cynthia: "Uh yeah..your two basic food groups."
Me: "Seriously all we are missing is chocolate."

Me: "Okay two guys have winked at me now. It's time to go."
Cynthia: "They are probably just like 'hey that 13 year old is drinking!'"

Me: "CHOCOLATE! Now we are good!"

Cynthia: "When I was little I always thought beer looked like it tasted good. Like root beer or caramel or something."
Me: "Yeah then you grow up and realize it tastes like ass."
Cynthia: "No! You just haven't tasted the right kind of beer. Like the kind that tastes like fruity pebbles."
Me: "I actually don't know if I care much for that cereal."

Question of the day:
Worst holiday?


  1. if you're asking for holiday in general... i'd have to say Ash Wednesday... if you are referring to the actual day that you have already lived... it was this Thanksgiving. BLEH!

  2. I'm sorry you guys had such a sucking Thanksgiving. I think my worst would be New Years of 2002.
