Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Moon Pie

So today I baked of course. I used my NEW baking stuff. It was epic. I also baked while watching Kellan Lutz on the Ellen show. Then I sat down and looked at my cookies after taking a picture of them. I decided..these are my favorite cookies so far. Well these and Edible Edwards. Mmmm...I love me some Edward's. Then I went to Angela's house. We talked for a while and then we decided we wanted hashbrowns. Or rather Angela decided she wanted hashbrowns. They were good but oh my god we were full after. And I don't know why some people insist on talking to you while you're eating. But it's annoying. Then we went back just in time for Lori to get there. And we talked, and got Kevin a birthday present. And drank coffee. And hmm what else OH YEAH I KNOW FRIGGING WATCHED ROBERT PATTINSON ON THE LATE SHOW! He is so awkward. I love him for that. He is like the guy version of me with all his nervous habits and not knowing what to say. Only he is hot and I'm not. /shrug

Tomorrow I'm packing during the day..then at night I'm going to.... FUCKING GO SEE NEW MOON MIDNIGHT SHOWING!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAT! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!! I was just Lil Jon for a minute there.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Look dude, I'm sitting by Angela at the movies this friday and that's final. If you don't fight me on this..there could be some sweettarts

Angela: "I'm exasperated!"
Austin: "I'm exposed!"

Angela: "So I'm scrupulous and your incorrigible."
Me: "So we both just belong on hashbrowns."

Question of the day:
How do you like your hashbrowns?


  1. Scattered crisp, covered, capped, chunked.

    omg. i haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
