Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Presents from Sugar Daddy

Jojo bought me a brand new gaming computer with a 24" monitor and windows 7. I have never got such an expensive gift before. It makes me feel really bad that I won't be able to spend that much money on him. But he says money gifts don't mean much to him. So maybe my gift will because I put thought behind it. But this gift means so much to me. I'm so happy. And not just because its an amazing gift..but because he cares enough to buy me something like this. And now I can keep playing WoW with him! He even said he really didn't think of it as a Christmas gift and that he just wanted to solve my computer problem. Its really the nicest thing ever. I am really glad he cares for me that much. I really care for him too.

I feel bad for him because he is constantly defined by his money. Why is it that rich people are defined that way? I mean people don't look at me and say "Oh she is poor..she must be a horrible person not worthy of my time." Or at least I don't think they do. So I don't get why people would look at him and think him being rich means anything different. Sure it means he has nice things but that means nothing really. Its shocking that people think such things. People I would have never thought would judge others like that. But honestly, I don't care what they think of it. Its not ruining my happiness over it. He is a really nice guy who likes me as a friend and wants me to be happy. I know it for what it is. So I don't care what others think they know what it is. Because they are wrong. And if they can't just be happy for me for having such a nice great friend rich or not..then I honestly don't give a fuck. So all their little snide comments about him wanting something more from me. Or me not being enough for a millionaire to be interested in. Or whatever.. Its all just humorous to me. So go ahead. Make your little comments. Jojo and I will be laughing at you later about it.

P.s. The sugar daddy thing is actually really funny and he made a character in WoW called Sugardaddy. It's pretty hilarious.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I'm freaking ouuuuutttt! lol!"

Mom: "What's all of this?"
Mom: "What??"
Me: "Is my name on this?"
UPS guy: "Karen?"
UPS guy: "So this is the right house then?"
Mom: "Yeah..apparently her friend got this for her."
UPS guy: "Wow..wish I had friends like that!"

Mom: "This guy has more money than brains apparently!"

Mom: "This is insane! How old is this guy again?"

Mom: "Well now you can give me your old computer."
Me: "Psh you have a new laptop."
Mom: "Well then Amy."
Me: "She has a new laptop. I'm giving it to somebody who really needs it."
Mom: "Zach then."
Me: "He doesn't need it and that's not fair. And seriously..are we having this conversation right now? I just got a new computer and you're already trying to pawn off my old one. I'm going to go be excited about my new computer now." /leaves the room

Amy: "You really DO have a sugar daddy!"

Me: "I seriously should have given him the gift I got him first.."
Amy: "Its the thought that counts right?"
Me: "I sure hope so!"

Austin: "Can I have your friend?"

Hank: "So..she finally got a boyfriend?"
Mom: "I don't know. I don't think so."
Hank: "And he has money..well..she is smart."

Hank: "Why would a millionaire be interested in her?"

Amy: "Well I'm happy for you. I'm glad you're friends with someone who has money to share and is generous with it. I'd buy you your own place if i could afford it. Someplace in the country somewhere..a sanctuary for all strays.."

JoJo: "I'm glad you're happy."
Me: "So happy."

Me: "I hope you understand that I love you for you and not your money."
JoJo: "I do :)"

Question of the day:
What makes a person so bitter that they automatically think the worst of everybody they don't even know?

1 comment:

  1. Ok so, I'm kinda teared up *sniff* *sniff* I think the answer to your question is when people make a choice to allow the hard times in their life to harden their hearts. Their heart turns hard and cold...turned off to people that actually care about them.
